
20 Nov 2010

The basics of wedding Proposals

The wedding proposal day is the second most memorable moment in a persons love life after the actual wedding date. The girl especially dreams of this day from a very tender age,from the moment they introduce prince charming stories into a girls life. So any man who disappoints a girl on her proposal day should be punished for crushing her sweet dream.Therefore guys must put lots of thought to it. You will be surprised to discover how much the girl thinks of  this day in her head-resulting to high expectations from her man.

So the guy has no choice but to be creative and put lots of thought to this day like the girl does.If you think of it, there might be no 'the happiest day of my life'-the wedding day- for both the guy and lady if you don't impress the lady when proposing.

So as the guys jump into their creativity suit to make her second best day of her life memorable, the day she tells her girls of over and over again and never gets tired, there are some one-two-three 'don't you dare try' and some that you must consider if you are a fan of buying apology bouquets and chocolates for getting it all wrong. Plus she is the lady you want to spend the rest of your life with, she is worth it all, so impress her, in actual sense you shall be be doing your self some great justice. Trust me-story for another day all together.

Thus today we talk about some of the things you should do:
  1. Make it personal and intimate
  2. Always have some sweet words for her, don't just ask 'will you marry me' and leave it at that. Let her know why you want to marry her. 
  3. Get creative, get creative, get creative and I want to add again get creative. Don't use the same idea one of your boys used or some tired ideas from TV. Will not work for you.
  4. Get the right ring. Remember she shall be flashing it around from that day after all and that's the first question people ask when you announce the engagement, ;let me see the ring' Know your lady's colour preference for jewelery, size and design. If you doubt yourself, go window shopping prior and listen to every word she say, will really make your job easy.
  5. Please do practice your words in front of a mirror. They weren't only made for girls. Go over your lines as you watch yourself. Am sure you are thinking, 'you are kidding me, can't be caught doing that!' Worth every effort, trust me. I bet you have heard the line 'Love is when we get silly together'
  6. Make sure the timing is right; Don't do it too soon in the relationship neither should you wait too long unless you have had the talk and your both in agreement of your intended time for marriage.
  7. I once was told doing it at a family event makes you nervous, Don't add extra pressure on yourself. avoid proposing at a family gathering, especially the ladies side. But there are different schools of thought on this.
  8. Keep it simple; recent research has shown that a more quiet intimate proposal is more likely to sweep her off her feet to one where you stage an audience in an extravagant restaurant.
Next  is the 'Don't you dare try!' 

You love simply because you cannot help it."Kim Anderson 

Bridal Glamour

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